

helping survivors one story at a time.



helping survivors one story at a time.


Support In Kenosha

At Circle of Hope, we believe that knowledge, support, and compassion are all necessary tools for living and dealing with breast cancer.

The Circle of Hope’s non-profit 501(c)3 organization gives grants to breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. Donations to Circle of Hope are used to help women in Kenosha pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance. The cost of cancer treatment is high and your donation to Circle of Hope helps alleviate some of those costs.

For more information, please


Support Resources

The Circle of Hope’s non-profit 501(c)3 organization gives grants to breast cancer patients undergoing treatment. Donations to Circle of Hope are used to help women in Kenosha pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance. The cost of cancer treatment is high and your donation to Circle of Hope helps aleviate some of those costs.


Local Survivors

Amy CzerniecWhen I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn’t know what to do first. It seemed like I was being pulled in all directions. Among those was my cousin telling me about her dear friend who is a survivor, and a member of the Circle of Hope support group. I thought fine, I’ll check it our at some point. I didn’t immedialtely understand how lucky I was that my cousin was friends with one wonderful and persistent survivor who wouldn’t leave me alone. Linda called me and spoke with me for what seemed like hours. She insisted that I come with her to the next meeting. She even picked me up so I wouldn’t have to walk in by myself. she pretty much put her arms around me and pulled me into her group of survivors.

My first visit with Circle of Hope was the evening before I started my chemotherapy. That was two and a half years ago, and I don’t know what I would have done without these women by my side throughout my journey. I have made so many wonderful friendships that will be with me for a long time.

I come from a large family. Between myself, my sisters, and my cousins there are 16 women. It’s great having all of them for their love and support, but none of them have faced breast cancer.

Now I also have a whole group of women – new sisters – who have been through a breast cancer diagnosis. Each one of us knows what it’s like to be told that YOU have breast cancer. I have been helped by so many of these wonderful Circle of Hope memebers, and have in turn helped new women who have joined our circle.

I am truly grateful that Jana Maegaard invited Debbie and five others to her home 11 years ago to talk at her kitchen table. What came of that day is now the Circle of Hope support group. Even though I never had the pleasure of meeting Jana, I know from what others have told me that she was an exceptionally resourceful woman.

I am also grateful for my friendship with Lisa Casteli who facilitated the meetings for the first year and a half of my membership. Lisa always had an answer, or at least would try her best to find out.

None of this would be here today without the continued hard work and dedication from Debbie Misurelli. She is so kind to open her home to us every month.

I will never stop sharing, with other breast cancer survivors that I meet, what a blessing it is to be part of Circle of Hope.

Betty jeanAs a single women who was already struggling financially, I was not prepared for the expenses as well as the lost time from work that I had to face after my diagnoses with breast cancer. When a friend told me about the Circle of Hope support group I attended my first meeting and was so welcomed by the other women. I was given phone numbers and invitations to call any time I need to talk or to get advice. It was a relief to be able to tell my story and talk to other who understood what I was facing. I was also given information regarding some financial help that the group Circle of Hope could possible give me. I filled out the application and they were able to help me…..I will be forever grateful for this. It is a wonderful organization.

Janel, Taylor, Brooke and Jeff WamboldtI am not a member of the group, but Debbie Misurelli is “family” to me! She helped care and babysit for me as our neighbor and lifelong friend to my parents. She also cared for my two girls from six weeks of age and is still my main babysitter (Nine years later). Debbie was diagnosed when my first baby was two weeks old. She didn’t miss a beat. She NEVER called off sick. We always say Taylor was her angel. She held and cared for tiny Taylor as she fought off cancer!!! There is a bond there that will never change! Lisa and many of the other ladies have become friends of our family as we do our best to support COH events and activities! COH is one of the many great things about the Kenosha/Pleasant Prairie/Racine community! God Bless You All!!!

AnonymousI’ve been a member of Circle of Hope for 3 years now. Little knowing I would be part of a group that my Niece, Jana Maegaard started. I believe in people, and the support each of us give each other. When I had Twin Daughters I joined a support Group, Mothers of Twins, and received support on potty training to all the NEW situations that arise with having Twins. This group of women help you as you’re going thru treatment, and after treatment, when you stop going to Doctors as often. I highly recommend Support for those who have Breast Cancer. Join us or pass the info to your friends and family.

Claryce KingMy sister is part of this group…..I met part of them when I was visiting two years ago…..they are an amazing group and they have been a tremendous amount of support for my sister. I bless each and every one of them every day for being there for her when I couldn’t be.


Financial Request Form

To be eligible for financial assistance you must be a breast cancer patient currently receiving treatment.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Upon completion of the Oncologist/Surgeon form, please mail to:
Circle of Hope PO Box 580018 Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158