Amy CzerniecWhen I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I didn’t know what to do first. It seemed like I was being pulled in all directions. Among those was my cousin telling me about her dear friend who is a survivor, and a member of the Circle of Hope support group. I thought fine, I’ll check it our at some point. I didn’t immedialtely understand how lucky I was that my cousin was friends with one wonderful and persistent survivor who wouldn’t leave me alone. Linda called me and spoke with me for what seemed like hours. She insisted that I come with her to the next meeting. She even picked me up so I wouldn’t have to walk in by myself. she pretty much put her arms around me and pulled me into her group of survivors.
My first visit with Circle of Hope was the evening before I started my chemotherapy. That was two and a half years ago, and I don’t know what I would have done without these women by my side throughout my journey. I have made so many wonderful friendships that will be with me for a long time.
I come from a large family. Between myself, my sisters, and my cousins there are 16 women. It’s great having all of them for their love and support, but none of them have faced breast cancer.
Now I also have a whole group of women – new sisters – who have been through a breast cancer diagnosis. Each one of us knows what it’s like to be told that YOU have breast cancer. I have been helped by so many of these wonderful Circle of Hope memebers, and have in turn helped new women who have joined our circle.
I am truly grateful that Jana Maegaard invited Debbie and five others to her home 11 years ago to talk at her kitchen table. What came of that day is now the Circle of Hope support group. Even though I never had the pleasure of meeting Jana, I know from what others have told me that she was an exceptionally resourceful woman.
I am also grateful for my friendship with Lisa Casteli who facilitated the meetings for the first year and a half of my membership. Lisa always had an answer, or at least would try her best to find out.
None of this would be here today without the continued hard work and dedication from Debbie Misurelli. She is so kind to open her home to us every month.
I will never stop sharing, with other breast cancer survivors that I meet, what a blessing it is to be part of Circle of Hope.